Starting in New Mexico, Wine has been produced in the United States since the 1500s.

In modern America, wine production is undertaken in all fifty states, with California producing 89% of all US wine. USA is home to several native grape varieties, however producers almost exclusively farm with European vines that were introduced by the early settlers. Situated in northern California, USA, Napa Valley stands as a globally acclaimed wine region. Its awe-inspiring scenery, Mediterranean climate, and varied soils have transformed it into a top-tier haven for wine enthusiasts worldwide.

Direct supply from these produces ensures that Ditton Wine and Spirits can offer wine enthusiasts these excellent North American wines at some of the lowest prices.

£990.00 excl. Duty & VAT (In Bond)Price incl. of Duty & VAT: £1,211.11
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£1,000.00 excl. Duty & VAT (In Bond)Price incl. of Duty & VAT: £1,221.53
£500.00 excl. Duty & VAT (In Bond)Price incl. of Duty & VAT: £623.11
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